Electroweak gauge model with ultimately calculable quark and lepton masses and with theory-enforced astro-particle physics sector


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dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na seminář Sekce fyziky elementárních částic, který přednese Ing. Jiří Hošek, DrSc.

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Weakly coupled Higgs sector of the electroweak gauge SU(2)L×U(1)Y model is replaced by the chiral gauge SU(3) quantum flavor (family) dynamics (QFD) with the only parameter, the astro-particle scale Λ. Anomaly freedom demands addition of one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrinos νfR. We demonstrate: I. Three exponentially small Dirac masses mf, strictly prohibited by SU(2)L×U(1)Y, are spontaneously generated by QFD. They should be the calculable multiples of Λ. Consequently: (i) The W and Z bosons acquire masses proportional to the fermion masses mf. (ii) There is the SM-fermion-composite Higgs boson h. The fermion mass splitting of SM fermion species within flavors is calculable in terms of their weak hypercharges and the ratios mf/mW,Z by the dynamical EW perturbation theory of Pagels and Stokar. II. Three Majorana masses Mf ~ Λ, strictly prohibited by SU(3)×U(1), are spontaneously generated by QFD. They should be the calculable multiples of Λ. Consequently: (i) All eight flavor gluons acquire self-consistently the huge masses. (ii) There are three superheavy νfR-composite Higgs bosons χi, and one νfR-composite pseudo NG Majoron ηM. Remarkably, the whole sector of electroweakly sterile νfR interacting by QFD has the natural use for the description of the early Universe.
