Dear colleagues,
we would like to invite you to the seminar of Division of Elementary Particle Physics of Institute of Physics, presented by Ing. Jiří Hošek, DrSc..
For more info, please see invitation.
Weakly coupled Higgs sector of the electroweak gauge SU(2)L×U(1)Y model is replaced by the chiral gauge SU(3) quantum flavor (family) dynamics (QFD) with the only parameter, the astro-particle scale Λ. Anomaly freedom demands addition of one triplet of sterile right-handed neutrinos νfR. We demonstrate: I. Three exponentially small Dirac masses mf, strictly prohibited by SU(2)L×U(1)Y, are spontaneously generated by QFD. They should be the calculable multiples of Λ. Consequently: (i) The W and Z bosons acquire masses proportional to the fermion masses mf. (ii) There is the SM-fermion-composite Higgs boson h. The fermion mass splitting of SM fermion species within flavors is calculable in terms of their weak hypercharges and the ratios mf/mW,Z by the dynamical EW perturbation theory of Pagels and Stokar. II. Three Majorana masses Mf ~ Λ, strictly prohibited by SU(3)×U(1), are spontaneously generated by QFD. They should be the calculable multiples of Λ. Consequently: (i) All eight flavor gluons acquire self-consistently the huge masses. (ii) There are three superheavy νfR-composite Higgs bosons χi, and one νfR-composite pseudo NG Majoron ηM. Remarkably, the whole sector of electroweakly sterile νfR interacting by QFD has the natural use for the description of the early Universe.