FZU projects in numbers


In attracting grants and funds for research and development, FZU holds place among the best institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. FZU scientists are successful in attracting research funding from both national and international funders.


In the European Commission Framework Programmes, they have so far received 94 grants: 22 (FP6), 25 (FP7), 34 (H2020) and 16 (HE). The increase in the number of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, collaborative projects such as MSCA Doctoral networks and Staff Exchanges, and last but not least the WIDESPREAD (Twinning, Teaming) and ERC projects contribute to the internationalisation of the FZU scientific environment. FZU is also a recipient of the prestigious MSCA COFUND grant, Physics for Future, which was designed as a unique educational platform connecting 71 international academic and industrial institutions. During the course of the project, 60 postdoctoral fellows will join FZU.

The research space of the FZU has also been substantially influenced by funding from the European Investment and Structural Funds. As of 1 January 2023, FZU scientists are working on 13 ESIF projects, including the largest project of this type in the Czech Republic - Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) and the former FZU section of the same name, which became an independent legal entity and part of the European scientific research organization The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC (ELI ERIC) in January. FZU's strategic aim to strengthen research and competitiveness in solid state physics is currently being implemented in the form of the large-scale SOLID21 project. Two projects, HR AWARD and STIMUL, have contributed to maintaining the HR Excellence in Research Award that FZU received in 2019.

FZU also successfully participates in grant competitions of national providers, such as GAČR, TA CR, MIT, and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. In 2023, for example, FZU scientists are addressing 71 GAČR projects, of which 4 are prestigious EXPRO grants.