Optical Properties of Solids


The 12 lectures follow the textbook by Mark Fox “Optical Properties of Solids”, with additional materials by the instructor to make the lectures more self-contained, especially for scientists from other disciplines.


They cover the basic theory for transmission and reflection of light based on Maxwell’s equations and the optical properties of metals and insulators using the Drude and Lorentz oscillator models for electrons and phonons, which form the basis of ellipsometry data analysis. Then they move on to describe infrared lattice absorption, interband absorption in semiconductors, the excitonic enhancement of these transitions due to electron-hole interaction, photoluminescence, and finite-size quantum effects leading to a blueshift of the optical spectra in confined systems. Mathematical formalisms are kept to a minimum. Instead, the focus is on concepts, graphs and figures, and the interpretation of optical spectra.

Dr. Stefan Zollner is the Academic Department Head and Professor of the Physics department at the New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, USA. He joined us for 6 months as part of the Mobility Project that is supported by ESIF and MEYS.


  Lecture title    
1. Introductions, lecture series overview, spectroscopy, solid-state physics Video
2. Crystal structures, Wyckoff positions, point and space groups, classification of optical vibrations Video
3. Maxwell’s equations in vacuum, plane waves, polarized light, Stokes parameters, Poincare sphere Video
4. Maxwell’s equations in media, polarizability, dielectric function, Lorentz and Drude model Video
5. Analytical properties of the dielectric function, Kramers-Kronig relations, Sellmeier, poles, Cauchy Video
6. Applications of Lorentz & Drude models to insulators (semiconductors, oxides) & metals, polaritons Video
7. Electronic band structure, direct and indirect band gaps, Fermi’s Golden Rule Video
8. Free electrons, effective masses in semiconductors, direct-gap absorption, excitons Video
9. Interband transitions, van Hove singularities, critical-point lineshapes Video Slides
10. Photoluminescence, Einstein coefficients, quantum confinement, quantum wells, wires, and dots Video Slides
11. Applications I: Anisotropic material Video Slides
12. Applications II: Properties of thin films, stress/strain, deformation potentials Video Slides

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  1. Introductions, lecture series overview, spectroscopy, solid-state physics
  2. Crystal structures, Wyckoff positions, point and space groups, classification of optical vibrations
  3. Maxwell’s equations in vacuum, plane waves, polarized light, Stokes parameters, Poincare sphere
  4. Maxwell’s equations in media, polarizability, dielectric function, Lorentz and Drude model
  5. Analytical properties of the dielectric function, Kramers-Kronig relations, Sellmeier, poles, Cauchy
  6. Applications of Lorentz & Drude models to insulators (semiconductors, oxides) & metals, polaritons
  7. Electronic band structure, direct and indirect band gaps, Fermi’s Golden Rule
  8. Free electrons, effective masses in semiconductors, direct-gap absorption, excitons
  9. Interband transitions, van Hove singularities, critical-point lineshapes
  10. Photoluminescence, Einstein coefficients, quantum confinement, quantum wells, wires, and dots
  11. Applications I: Anisotropic material
  12. Applications II: Properties of thin films, stress/strain, deformation potentials

General reading materials