Your selection corresponds to 8 employees
Name Position Department Telephone Room E-mail
Sofia Canola, Ph.D. Department of surfaces and molecular structures, Light and matter theory group, Scanning probe light microscopy group C 208/4 canola [at]
M.S. Qifan Chen Department of surfaces and molecular structures C 208/4 chenq [at]
Regina Drdošová Cleaning Operator Technical Department 180
Kristina Hajnerová Cleaning Operator Technical Department 180
Jana Hesová “Mailroom, Cleaning, Reception” Section Management Technical Department, Technický úsek - podatelna, úklid, vrátnice Slovanka
  • +420 266 05 2151
180 hesova [at]
Petra Kubištová Secretary Technical Department
  • +420 266 05 3060
180 kubistovap [at]
Miroslava Procházková Cleaning Operator Technical Department
  • +420 266 05 2151
Jian Cheng Wong, Ph.D. Department of surfaces and molecular structures, Light and matter theory group C 208/4 wong [at]