Filip Dominec

Contact: filip.dominec (a)

Related websites: my projects on Github | Wikipedia user page | LinkedIn

Academic: Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCID | Researcher ID

Ultrashort CV: I graduated in laser technology and electrical engineering from FNSPE CTU in Prague and wrote my PhD thesis on terahertz metamaterials. Currently I work in the MOVPE laboratory, attempting to model electrical and optical behaviour of fast transistors and scintillators. In my spare time, among other, I like to repair old instruments and promote DIY scientific projects.


Simulations of electromagnetic waves with python-meep

FDTD computations can be fun! Hands-on tutorial on wave scattering, diffraction, surface plasmons, metamaterial behaviour etc.

Lorentz-Drude models of material permittivity

Permittivity models of gold, silicon, silica, sapphire etc., ready to be supplied to python-meep to get quantitatively accurate results from the simulations.

Testing the FDM algorithm on experimental data

Filter-diagonalisation method (FDM) can sometimes be superior to Fourier transform for spectral analysis, though it is far less used. I compare these methods on terahertz spectra of water vapor, showing the accuracy of FDM. Source codes included.


USB spectrometer

Using a linear CCD from a scanner, a diffractive element (such as a CD), ATMega8 microcontroller and some basic optics, one can easily build a handheld USB spectrometer with ca. 5 nm spectral resolution

Casting an optical table of concrete

A rigid platform for mechanical mounting of sensitive optical experiments can be made in every workshop with the procedure described. A Michelson interferometer is demonstrated that detects movement in order of several atomic distances.


A surprisingly simple board that can drive three (unipolar/bipolar) stepper motors simultaneously. Microstepping, tool PWM control and communication over USB are implemented in ATMega8 firmware. Circuit schematics and firmware supplied.

FiDoCNC - a circuit board manufacturing robot

A three-axis robot that engraves all connections, drills holes and finally cuts out whole board greatly speeds-up the workflow of electronics development.

Accurate sieving of microparticles

A novel approach to sieving of sub-millimetre particles is presented that selects a very narrow fraction of sizes and shapes, using intense sound vibration.


Printable A4 monthly calendar generator

based on Reportlab, saves a printable A4 table with days as rows and hours as columns. Whole years 2015-2025 available as 12-page PDF files.

Optical granulometry of microparticles

A script that processes a microscopic photograph into a statistics of particle sizes and ellipticity

How to make a DEB package with diacritics and spaces in filenames

The Debian/Ubuntu installer can not handle "unsafe" file names, but it allows to run post-installation scripts to change the names as needed. An example of packaging procedure for PPA.

Teaching / výuka

Seminář Python 2011/12 [cz]

© Filip Dominec 2010-2017