
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. Z. Frait, S. Haraldson
    Ferromagnetic resonance in a cobalt-rich amorphous alloy
    In: Problems in physical kinetics and solid state physics, ed. A.G. Sitenko, Naukovaja dumka, Kiev (SSSR) (1990), p. 399-401.
  2. A. Cimbálníková, Z. Frait, O. Rode, T. Zemčík
    FMR and Mossbauer measurements of the iron distribution in the LUNA 16, 20 and 24 grain size fractions
    NASA Planet.Sci.Conf., Houston (USA) 1986. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XVI, NASA, Houston (USA) 1986, p. 129-130.
  3. I. Bartoš, J. Koukal
    On the Role of Space Inhomogeneity of Electron Damping in LEED
    The Structure of Surfaces, Springer Series in Surface Sciences 2, vol. 2, pp. 113-116.