HiLASE Centre announces its vision and mission for the next decade

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The HiLASE Centre responds to meaningful incentives and new trends in the world of laser technology, industry and the global economy. The dynamic development of technology and infrastructure, the involvement of the circular economy, functional systems, efficient and, at the same time, economically innovative solutions with regard to the topics of sustainability and digitalization, as well as the further development of the HiLASE Centre as such, have led us to update our vision, mission and related strategies after eleven years of existence.

HL strategy
For us, HiLASIANS, a vision and a mission are not just buzzwords or PR. They are our shared lifestyle that moves us forward and reminds us that we are heading in the right direction and that we all know and share the same goal. That we are pushing the boundaries of technology and actively bridging the worlds of research and industry by applying advanced laser technology to real world corporate and manufacturing environments. We cherish Uniqueness, Utility and Credibility as core components of our Center’s DNA and will continue to create “Superlasers for the Real World”.

Vision 2022 – 2032

To become one of the respected leaders defining the trends in high power laser applications. To be the first-choice R&D partner for companies and research organizations seeking innovative laser technologies and solutions, on the Earth and beyond…

“The HiLASIAN family from Dolní Břežany is not afraid of challenges, is inquisitive and in the future has the ambition to develop laser technologies that will be qualified for selected space applications. These will include laser systems that will enable better satellite communication, detection of space debris and its subsequent destruction, precise mapping of planetary surfaces, detection of elements on asteroids, or 3D printing in space,” says Head of the HiLASE Centre Tomáš Mocek.

Mission 2022 – 2032

We are eager to push the boundaries of laser technologies beyond their current limits, search for new applications and contribute to the prosperity of the Czech and European economy, daily lives of people and sustainable future. We strive to inspire the next generation of laser scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs.

You can read more about the milestones of the HiLASE Centre HERE.
