THz pump/⁠X-⁠ray diffraction probe, THz photo-⁠electron streaking and other applications in molecular, bio-⁠medical and material science at the ELI Beamlines facility



At the ELI Beamlines facility a new generation of high intensity lasers will be used for fundamental and applied science. The research Program for Applications in Molecular, Bio-⁠medical and Material Science develops a range of capabilities for time-⁠resolved experiments using ultrashort pulses ranging from the THz to the hard X-⁠ray range. Laser driven THz sources will be used for photo-⁠electron streaking experiments in AMO science and to initiate bulk modes in e.g. protein crystal that will be studied through high resolution time-⁠resolved X-⁠ray diffraction. The aim of the presentation is to introduce the main research areas under development at the ELI Beamlines facility and find promising topics for future collaborations.