Robert Král


Field of interest:
Preparation of inorganic and dielectric materials (crystals, glasses), crystal growth of materials from melt by Bridgman and micro-pulling-down methods, materials characterization of thermal, structural, luminescence, and scintillation properties.

Research activities:
Preparation of new inorganic materials based on halide crystals and phosphate glasses for radiation detectors and lasers, their purification (by means of physical and chemical methods) and growth of their single crystals by the vertical Bridgman and micro - pulling - down methods. Study of structural, physical, optical, luminescence, and scintillation properties of prepared materials. Measurement of their thermal properties using methods of thermal analyse s . Study of vertical Bridgman crystal growth on a model system by developing new res earch methods and approaches. Processing and evaluation of experimentally obtained results, their physical interpretation using literature search, and publication activity (papers in international impacted journals). Presenting obtained results at internat ional conferences and workshops.


Institute of Physics CAS, v. v. i.
Cukrovarnicka 10
CZ-162 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic E-mail: kralr@fzu.cz
Phone: (+420) 220 318 429
Fax: (+420) 233 343 184