
For substantial progress in a development of nanosciences in the Czech Republic it is imperative to initiate and/or increase the research collaboration on specific research activities. This will increase effective use of existing, often unique equipment and quality of human capital.

The "Nano-team" was formed by about 17 scientists, each representing a group of 3 - 20 researchers, experienced in different areas of the "Physics of Nanostructures and Nanotechnologies". Importance of the physics is due to the fact that it forms background of new tools - atomic force, scanning tunnelling and electron microscopy (AFM, STM and SEM), opening doors of nanoworld characterisation for biology and chemistry on atomic or molecular level.

The Nano-team is not society but basis for projects on national and international level and as this Nano-team is in principle open for collaboration, on the other hand it must be selective.

In addition to high level research collaboration important goal of Nano-team is to contribute to the education of nanosciences at different levels (schools, public, ...).

© 2005