Date: 2007/01/14
Place: Ricany, mhv~4.5
Lens: Stellarvue AT1010 - D=80mm, f=480mm
Exposition: 9min (18 x 30s) at ISO 1600? (Canon EOS350)
Mount: Losmandy G8, unguided expositions
Image processing: dark frame subtraction, adjusting color levels (threshold and gamma)
Other objects: M43, NGC1977, NGC1981

M36, M37, and M38
Date: 2007/01/14
Place: Ricany, mhv~4.5
Lens: Canon 2.8?/50mm
Exposition: 5?min (5 x 60s) at ISO 1600? (Canon EOS350)
Mount: Losmandy G8, unguided expositions
Image processing: dark frame subtraction, adjusting color levels (threshold and gamma)
Other objects:

Date: 2007/01/14
Place: Ricany, mhv~4.5
Lens: Stellarvue AT1010 - D=80mm, f=480mm
Exposition: 2.5min (5 x 30s) at ISO 1600? (Canon EOS350)
Mount: Losmandy G8, unguided expositions
Image processing: dark frame subtraction, adjusting color levels (threshold and gamma)
Other objects:

NGC 869 and NGC 884 (h and chi Per)

Date: 2007/01/14
Place: Ricany, mhv~4.5
Lens: Stellarvue AT1010 - D=80mm, f=480mm
Exposition: 6 x 30s at ISO 400 (Canon EOS350)
Mount: Losmandy G8, unguided expositions
Image processing: dark frame subtraction, adjusting color levels (threshold and gamma)

Last update Mar 04, 2007 by AK.