Contact information
Department of Condensed Matter TheoryInstitute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Na Slovance 2, 182 00 Praha, Czechia
office: 441b, UTIA building (map)
phone: +420-2-6605-2153, …-2914
e-mail: < kolorenc (at) fzu (dot) cz >
ORCID: 0000-0003-2627-8302
Research activities
- calculations of physical properties of solids derived from their electronic structure – in layman's terms: solution of quantum-mechanical equations for a large number of electrons moving in a periodic environment of a crystal lattice (or in a not so periodic environment of crystals with defects)
- study of real compounds and materials as well as their simplified models
- manifestations and consequences of strong electron-electron correlations, magnetism
- theoretical modeling and interpretation of x-ray spectroscopies
- lanthanide (cerium, europium,…) and actinide (uranium, plutonium,…) compounds
- dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), exact diagonalization of many-body models using the Lanczos method
- occasional course on Correlations in Many-Electron Systems (Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics) – supplementary information for the class