Impedimetrický biosensor pro profilování onkomarkerů prostaty založený na magnetických jádrech se zlatými nanoobaly


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In this paper, several advances were implemented for glycoprofiling of prostate specific antigen (PSA), which can be applied for better prostate cancer (PCa) diagnostics in the future:

  1. application of Au nanoshells with a magnetic core (MP@silica@Au);
  2.  use of surface plasmons of Au nanoshells with a magnetic core for spontaneous immobilization of zwitterionic molecules via diazonium salt grafting;
  3.  a double anti-fouling strategy with the integration of zwitterionic molecules on Au surface and on MP@silica@Au particles was implemented to resist non-specific protein binding;
  4. application of anti-PSA antibody modified Au nanoshells with a magnetic core for the enrichment of PSA from a complex matrix of a human serum;
  5. direct incubation of anti-PSA modified MP@silica@Au with affinity bound PSA to the lectin modified electrode surface.

The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) signal was enhanced 43 times integrating Au nanoshells with a magnetic core compared to the biosensor without them. This proof-of-concept study shows that the biosensor could detect PSA down to 1.2 fmol/L and at the same time to glycoprofile such low PSA concentration using a lectin patterned biosensor device. The biosensor offers a recovery index of 108%, when the serum sample was spiked with a physiological concentration of PSA (3.5 ng mL-1).

Au nanoshells
Scheme and transmission electron micrographs of complex magnetic nanoparticles based on Mn-Zn ferrite cores coated with silica and then encapsulated into gold nanoshell (MP@silica@Au). These particles were subsequently modified by deposition of diazonium-derived zwitterionic self-assembled monolayer and finally by immobilization of anti-fPSA for selective PSA enrichment.


T. Bertok, L. Lorencova, S. Hroncekova, V. Gajdosova, E. Jane, M. Hires, P. Kasak, O. Kaman, R. Sokol, V. Bella, A. Andicsova Eckstein, J. Mosnacek, A. Vikartovska, and J.Tkac, Advanced impedimetric biosensor configuration and assay protocol for glycoprofiling of a prostate oncomarker using Au nanoshells with a magnetic core, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 131, 15 April 2019, Pages 24-29.