
Ve výpisu publikací najdete všechny důležité publikační výsledky výzkumu a vývoje našich vědeckých pracovníků od roku 1961.

  1. Chap. 15, Ferromagnetic resonance in individual wires: From micro- to nanowires, in Magnetic Nano- and Microwires: Design, Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Ed. M. Vázquez, Woodhead Publishing 2015, p. 449-486, ISBN: 978-0-08-100164-6. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-100164-6.00015-1
  2. Handbook of Spintronics
  3. (2015) -.
  4. RNA and DNA Diagnostics
  5. Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates Using Dynamic Force Microscopy page 81-92 year 2015 ISBN 978-3-319-17400-6 Part of the series Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines
  6. R. Zeipl, M. Jelínek, M. Vlček, T. Kocourek, J. Vaniš, J. Remsa
    Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Energy Security, ISBN 978-94-017-9697-2, Eds.Plamen Petkov,Chapter 33, pp. 325-331, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-9697-2,© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015.
  7. Introduction to Mean-Field Theory of Spin Glass Models
    Chap. 8 in Many-Body Physics: From Kondo to Hubbard, Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich, Reihe Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 5, Jülich 2015, pp. 8.1 - 8.28.
  8. F. Trojánek, P. Malý, I. Pelant
    Excited-State Relaxation in Group IV Nanocrystals Investigated Using Optical Methods
    Chapter 5 in Nanotechnology and Photovoltaic Devices. Light Energy Harvesting with Group IV Nanostructures, eds. J. Valenta and S. Mirabella, Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 145-175.
  9. Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy vol. 3
  10. Dielectric properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals in finite samples and near the transition to the hexatic phases
    Chapter 5.3.1 in Relaxation Phenomena, eds. W. Haase and S. Wrobel, SPRINGER (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York) 2003, pp. 309-332
  11. M. Knobel, M. Vázquez, L. Kraus
    Giant magnetoimpedance
    Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Vol. 15, ed. K.H.J. Buschow, Elsevier Sci. B.V., Chapter 5, 2003, p. 497-563.
  12. J. Konig, J. Schliemann, T. Jungwirth, A.H. MacDonald
    Ferromagnetism in (III,Mn)V semiconductors
    in Electronic Structure and Magnetism of Complex Materials, eds.D.J. Singh and D.A. Papaconstantopoulos, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-540-43382-8
  13. Raman Scattering
    Chapter 2.3 in International Tables for Crystallography, Volume D - Physical Properties of Crystals, eds. A. Authier, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht, Boston, London] 2003, pp. 314-328.
  14. I. Tomáš, Ye. Melikhov, J. Kadlecová, A. Perevertov
    Preisach model of magnetic hysteresis for ENDE
    4th Int.Workshop on Electromagn.Nondestructive Evaluation (ENDE´99), Des Moines (USA), August 1999. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 17, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (IV), eds. S.S. Udpa et al., IOS Press, 2000, p. 120-126.
  15. I. Bartoš, W. Schattke
    Valence band VUV spectra
    Chapter 4 in Solid-state photoemission and related methods. Theory and experiment. Eds. W. Schattke, M.A. Van Hove, pp. 141-158, 2003 Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, ISBN 3-527-40334-5
  16. Z. Frait, S. Haraldson
    Ferromagnetic resonance in a cobalt-rich amorphous alloy
    In: Problems in physical kinetics and solid state physics, ed. A.G. Sitenko, Naukovaja dumka, Kiev (SSSR) (1990), p. 399-401.
  17. I. Bartoš, J. Koukal
    On the Role of Space Inhomogeneity of Electron Damping in LEED
    The Structure of Surfaces, Springer Series in Surface Sciences 2, vol. 2, pp. 113-116.
  18. J. Fuksa, V. Kopsky
    Lecture Notes in Physics 201 (1984) 381-383. Eds. G. Denardo, G. Ghirardi, T. Weber, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Print ISBN 978-3-540-13335-3, Online ISBN 978-3-540-38859-3