Mikhail Shaposhnikov: ''Einstein-Cartan gravity: Inflation, Dark Matter and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking''


It is well-known since the works of Utiyama and Kibble that the gravitational force can be obtained by gauging the Lorentz group, which puts gravity on the same footing as the Standard Model fields. The resulting theory - Einstein-Cartan gravity -  happens to be very interesting. First, it incorporates Higgs inflation at energies below the onset of the strong-coupling of the theory. Second, it contains a four-fermion interaction that originates from torsion associated with spin degrees of freedom. This interaction leads to a novel universal mechanism for producing singlet fermions in the Early Universe. These fermions can play the role of dark matter particles. Finally, it may generate the electroweak symmetry breaking by a non-perturbative gravitational effect.


Event organized by CEICOCentral European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics.
Please contact Roberto Oliveri or Gizem Sengor for further info.