The Pierre Auger Observatory is currently the world largest and most complex detector of cosmic rays. It combines more than 1600 surface detector stations, 27 fluorescence telescopes and it covers more than 3000 km2. The construction of the observatory was completed in 2008 and it is currently operated by the consortium of about 60 institutes from 17 member countries, including the Czech Republic and Argentina. The effective operation of such complex detector requires the use of the cutting-edge computer and information technologies. In the framework of the Pierre Auger Observatory, the Czech Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences and the Argentinian Centro Atomico Bariloche are closely co-operating on solution of two important tasks in program of new computer technologies ? on the distributed data management and on the online atmospheric monitoring. In this project, we would like to intensify the current collaboration ? Czech team members should travel to Argentina and work there with Argentinian partners on the development of the online atmospheric monitoring system and Argentinian partners will travel to the Czech Republic to gain the experience with the Grid computing and to work on the development of the distributed data management system.
Pokročilé počítačové technologie v rámci observatoře Pierra Augera: správa distribuovaných dat na gridu a sledování atmosféry online