The main goals of the proposed project are to design materials and resonators with intentionally changeable physical and mechanical properties utilize the NiTi films. In the proposed project we are going to use the significant change of the elastic modulus and damping of the NiTi materials in the close vicinity of the transformation temperature, which can be controlled by for example an applied external electrical current. Till now there is not much known about the underlying physics and mechanics of materials and resonators consisting of one or two NiTi thin films combined with other films (e.g. ZnO, Pt, Au, etc) and deposit on various substrate materials (e.g. silicon or SU-8). Thus the other project aim is to carry out the systematical theoretical and experimental investigations of these materials and based on the results to understand underlying physics. Project objectives are topical having practical contribution in a number of areas of physics, chemistry, biology and medicine.
Mikromechanické resonátory s účelově měnitelnými fyzikálními a mechanickými vlastnostmi použitelné pro různé biomateriálni a fyzikální snímače (Micde)