1. Z. Kuntová, P. Jelínek, V. Cháb, Z. Chvoj
    Single atom diffusion of Pb on a Si(111)-7x7 surface.
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  2. W. Kaminski, P. Jelínek, R. Pérez, F. Flores, J. Ortega
    Si-substitutional defects on the alpha-Sn-Si(111)-(r3xr3) surface.
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  3. P. Jelínek, R. Peréz, J. Ortega, F. Florez
    Mechanical properties and electrical conductance of different Al nanowire submitted to an homogeneous deformation: a first-principles simulation.
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  4. J. M. Blanco, C. Gonzáles, P. Jelínek, J. Ortega, F. Flores, R. Peréz
    First-principles simulations of STM images: From tuneling to the contact regime.
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  5. P. Jelínek, M. Ondřejček, J. Slezák, V. Cháb
    Experimental and theoretical studies of single Pb atom dynamics in one Si(111)-(7x7) unit cell.
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  6. P. Jelínek, R. Pérez, J. Ortega, F. Flores
    First-principles simulations of the stretching and final breaking of Al nanowires: Mechanical properties and electrical conductance
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