EPR laboratory is equipped with spectrometer Bruker ELEXSYS E580, which is a top-class scientific device to measure electron paramagnetic (spin) resonance in both modes – classic (CW) and pulsed (FT), in the common X-band (9.4-9.8 GHz) as well as high-frequency Q-band (34 GHz). In both frequency bands, the spectrometer
contains a system for measurements of ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance) and ELDOR (electron-electron double resonance). The Spectrometer operates in the 4–700 K temperature range. EPR method allows determining the structure, dynamics, and space distribution of paramagnetic particles at the atomic level. The typical example of this technology usage is the investigation of structural defects in semiconductors and multifunctional materials (e.g. ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials or ferroelectrics), the identification of di±erent gels of adsorbed molecules on surfaces (e.g. implants), etc.