Czechoslovak Journal for Physics

What direction will the popularization of physics take? Solutions were debated by experts


Does it make sense to publish a printed journal that deals with the promotion of physics? With this controversial question, the director of the Institute of Physics, Michael Prouza, opened a discussion on the future of the popularization of physics. The debate took place on Monday, October 24, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Československý časopis pro fyziku journal in a crowded hall of the SOLID21 building, and was followed by expert lectures on the history of physics and its popularization.

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 4/2021

  • Was “New Physics” Discovered in Fermilab and CERN?
  • Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion in Private Hands
  • Tensegrity Structures
  • ...
Date of publication

Laser – From the Cradle to ELI


ELI Beamlines is a European research centre operating the most powerful laser system in the world. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of laser discovery, we spoke about the details of the inception of and the planned research at ELI Beamlines with Professor Jan Řídký, who conceived the project in cooperation with his colleagues.