Study of III-V alloys containing bismuth as potential candidates for new three-dimensional topological insulators Investigator Jan Honolka, Ph.D. Year of commencement 2016 Year of completion 2018
Investigation of Structure and Equation of State of Warm Dense Matter (WDM DAAD) Investigator Kateřina Falk, Ph.D. Year of commencement 2018 Year of completion 2019
Phase transitions in nanocomposites, multiferroics, ionic conductors and liquid crystals Investigator Ing. Jiří Hlinka, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2017 Completion date 12/31/2019
Statical Properties of Intense Twin Beams (CNR-16-05) Investigator prof. doc. RNDr. Jan Peřina, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2016 Completion date 12/31/2018
Gas sensor materials with combined photoluminescent, electrical, and mass-sensitive readout Investigator Ing. Michal Novotný, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2021 Completion date 1/31/2023
High frequency dielectric response of uniaxial relaxors and ferroic materials Investigator Dr. Elena Buixaderas, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2021 Completion date 12/31/2023
Thin films for optoelectronics - preparation and defects investigation Investigator Ing. Michal Novotný, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2016 Completion date 12/31/2018
Thin films for optoelectronics and sensors - preparation and defects investigation Investigator Ing. Michal Novotný, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2019 Completion date 12/31/2021
Development of nanophosphors and thin films for optical gas sensing Investigator Ing. Michal Novotný, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2018 Completion date 12/31/2020