Synthetic multiepitopic vaccine agains boreliosis intended for veterinary applications Investigator prof. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2011 Completion date 12/31/2014
Pokročilý luminofor pro vysoce výkonné LED a laserové diody Investigator prof. Ing. Martin Nikl, CSc. Commencement date 7/1/2014 Completion date 12/31/2017
Surface protection of zirconium alloys with composite polycrystalline diamond coatings (CARCOZIR) Investigator prof. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D. Commencement date 7/1/2014 Completion date 7/31/2016
Systems for acoustic emission characterization of mechanical properties and stability of thin film structures and functional surfaces Investigator prof. RNDr. Miroslav Hrabovský, DrSc. Commencement date 1/1/2013 Completion date 12/31/2016
Low temperature plasma in medicine (PLASMA) Investigator Ing. Alexandr Dejneka, Ph.D. Commencement date 7/1/2014 Completion date 12/31/2017
Research of the recuperation and thermoelectric conversion of the waste heat of the combustion engine (WHRS) Investigator Ing. Jiří Hejtmánek, CSc. Commencement date 1/1/2013 Completion date 12/31/2015
Precise multifunctional layers in vacuum and microwave systems Investigator Ing. Ján Lančok, Ph.D. Commencement date 1/1/2013 Completion date 12/31/2016
Modern multilayer optical systems Investigator RNDr. Lubomír Jastrabík, CSc. Commencement date 1/1/2011 Completion date 12/31/2014
Nízkoteplotní hybridní mikrovlnné plazmové zdroje s vysokým stupněm ionizace uspořádaných v matricové konfiguraci umožňujících depozice perspektivných materiálů a jejich (nano) kompozitů na 2D a 3D objekty Investigator prof. Ing. Alexander Kromka, DrSc. Commencement date 1/1/2011 Completion date 12/31/2014