The new issue of internal e-journal AB / Academic Bulletin for you.
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The new issue of internal e-journal AB / Academic Bulletin for you.
We wish you an inspiring reading!
She is a Half Marathon runner and a scientist who explores processes in the quantum vacuum. Hedvika Kadlecová from ELI Beamlines Research Centre in Dolní Břežany has become one of the three winners of the prestigious L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science.
The involvement of women in science in general makes up less than 30% of researchers across scientific fields worldwide. The international Day supposes to empower women and girls in their involvement in scientific research.
The Lumina Quaeruntur Premium seeks to fill the gap between junior grants and the programs intended for established scientists. The Academy of Sciences presented the programme and its first six laureates during a ceremony held at Národní třída, Prague. One of the laureates is RNDr. Hana Lísalová, Ph.D. from the Institute of Physics of the CAS.
Award for outstanding doctoral thesis based on ZnO nanocolumns that could have wide field of applications, including biology.
This very sound breakthrough project of Dr Kusova indicates extensive application possibilities, e.g. in manufacturing tiny light sources integrated onto silicon chips, or in biological and medical uses. It is already a second significant award for Kateřina, who was also one of three laureates of the 8th year of Czech edition of the competition L’Oréal for women in science 2014.
Mrs. Vladimíra Petráková, has been awarded the Young Investigator Prize for the Best Oral Presentation in Symposium A, Diamond Electronics and Bioelectronics: From Fundamental to Applications IV, Material Research Society (MRS) Fall 2010 meeting in Boston, U.S.A.