Metallurgy and metallurgical engineering
Absorption and desorption of hydrogen in metals
Development of functional nanoresonators with adjustable properties
Characterization of deformation processes in engineering materials using in-situ methods: electrical resistometry, digital image correlation, thermography, dynamical mechanical analysis
Pracovní pozice
Head of Group
+420 266 05 3351, +420 266 05 2647
Characterization of deformation processes in engineering materials using in-situ synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction
Pracovní pozice
Head of Division
Characterization of deformation processes in metals and alloys using electron microscop
Pracovní pozice
Head of Division
Melt growth of metallic crystals
Pracovní pozice
Head of Group
Modelling of thermomechanical behavior of shape memory alloy
Pracovní pozice
Head of Division
Testing, simulations, characterization and development of SMA based functional materials, composites and structures (superelastic components, actuators, sensors, damping elements) for technical application
Pracovní pozice
Head of Group
+420 266 05 3351, +420 266 05 2647
Thermal plasma processing of metal and alloys
Thermomechanical testing of materials (quasi-staic, dynamical, fatigue, tension, torsion, combined tension-torsion, -100°C- +500°C
Pracovní pozice
Head of Group
+420 266 05 3351, +420 266 05 2647