Determination of boron and phosphorus concentrations in heavily doped diamond by glow discharge emission spectroscopy in argon and neon


Boron- and phosphorus-doped diamond layers are of interest as promising semiconductor materials for high power and high temperature electronics. To optimize the properties of such layers and adjust the deposition process accordingly, it is important to analyse the concentration of the dopants. A new methodology for quantitative analysis of B- and P-doped diamond by glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (GDOES) was developed and brought into routine use. By using neon as the discharge gas, a detection limit of phosphorus was improved by an order of magnitude compared to the conventional approach.

Vzorky diamantových vrstev dopovaných bórem na křemíku.png
Samples of B-doped diamond layers on silicon: bright spots are the areas analysed by GDOES in which the layer was sputtered-off and the silicon substrate is exposed.
Hloubkový profil diamantové vrstvy dopované fosforem (svrchní vrstva) a bórem
Depth profile of P-doped diamond on B-doped diamond on silicon. The profile of phosphorus and boron is 100× magnified, hence the P content in the layer is ≈0.28% (at.). Similarly, the boron content in the interlayer is varying between 0.50 – 0.80% (at.).