By the Czochralski method are prepared GGAG single crystals doped by one or several from the rare earth elements Pr, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb.
Their function as lasers and their application possibilities are studied on FNSPE CTU.
Theme is contributed to by
Jan Ryšavý
+420 266 05 2784, +420 266 05 2688, +420 266 05 2507
Ing. Bohumil Trunda
+420 266 05 2609, +420 266 05 2688, +420 266 05 2507
Ing. Lubomír Havlák
Pracovní pozice
Head of Working Group
+420 266 05 2784, +420 266 05 2688, +420 266 05 2729, +420 266 05 2171, +420 266 05 2507