Modelling of thermomechanical properties of shape memory alloys


Experimentally identified thermomechanical behavior of NiTi and other SMAs is being incorporated into phenomenological continuum models implemented in FEA numerical solvers. This topic is being developed in collaboration with the Laboratory of ultrasound methods at the Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS [1-5].

Simulation of superelastic stress-strain response of thin NiTi shape memory alloy filament in tensile test at room temperature and distribution of internal stress around the front of macroscopic band of localized deformation

[1] P Sedlak, M Frost, B Benešová, TB Zineb, P Šittner, Thermomechanical model for NiTi-based shape memory alloys including R-phase and material anisotropy under multi-axial loadings, International Journal of Plasticity 39 (2012) 132-151

[2] M Frost, P Sedlák, L Kadeřávek, L Heller, P Šittner, Modeling of mechanical response of NiTi shape memory alloy subjected to combined thermal and non-proportional mechanical loading: a case study on helical spring actuator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,27 (2016)927–1938

[3] M Frost, P Sedlák, P Sedmák, L Heller, P Šittner, SMA Constitutive Modeling Backed Up by 3D-XRD Experiments: Transformation Front in Stretched NiTi Wire, Shape Memory and Superelasticity 4 (2018) 411-416

[4] L. Heller, P. Šittner, P. Sedlák, H. Seiner, O. Tyc, L. Kadeřávek, P. Sedmák, M. Vronka, Beyond the strain recoverability of martensitic transformation in NiTi, International Journal of Plasticity,116 (2019) 232-264,

[5] P Šittner, P Sedlák, H Seiner, P Sedmak, J Pilch, R Delville, L Heller et al., On the coupling between martensitic transformation and plasticity in NiTi: Experiments and continuum based modelling, Progress in Materials Science 98 (2018)249-298

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