
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. On the optical infrared antiresonance absorption in TCNQ solids
    Chemical Physics 23, 237 (1977)
  2. K. Král, N. Dobiasova, N. Rysava
    Intensities of the infrared absorption in TCNQ salts
    Čs. čas. fyz. 30 (1977) 3
  3. E. Boos, J. Chýla
    Charge Asymmetry at Large p(T) in Inelastic anti-p p Reactions at 22.4-GeV/c
    Nucl. Phys. B 128 (1977) 269
  4. E. Boos, J. Chýla
    Single Particle Inclusive Spectra of Charged Particles in anti-p p Interactions at 22.4-GeV/c
    Nucl. Phys. B 121 (1977) 381
  5. P. Pokorný, Z.Chvoj
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 27 (1977) 957-958.
    Československý časopis pro fyziku 27 (1977) 273-275.
  7. J. Schneider, K. Závěta, A. Handstein, R. Hesske, W. Haubenreisser
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 91 (1977) 185-189.
  8. K. P. Belov, K. Závěta
    Československý časopis pro fyziku 27 (1977) 162-163.
  9. J. Schneider, A. Handstein, R. Heβke, K. Závěta
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 86-88 (1977) 301-302.
  10. Z. Frait, R. Gemperle
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 27 (1977) 99-112.
  11. Physica B: Condensed Matter 86-88 (1977) 1241-1242.
  12. physica status solidi (a) 43 (1977) 381-385.
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 13 (1977) 1187-1189.
  14. I. Tomáš, Z. Klem
    physica status solidi (a) 42 (1977) 459-467.
  15. Z. Frait, D. Fraitová
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 27 (1977) 1292-1305.
  16. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 27 (1977) 185-189.
  17. I. Bartos, F. Máca
    Surface Green function for interfaces of general shape
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 26 (1976) 619-625.
  18. The coherent pseudopotential approximation
    J. Phys. F: Metal Phys. 6 (1976) 2247
  19. Correlated motion of a pair of electrons in a random alloy
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 37 (1976) 655
  20. Evaluation of the path integrals for non-interacting electron gas in a random Gaussian potential
    Czech. J. Phys. 26 (1976) 967
  21. On the origin of the two charge-transfer peaks in the light absorption spectra of TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 26 (1976) 226
  22. Effect of electron-exciton and electron-vibronic interactions in the absorption spectra of TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 26 (1976) 660
  23. Triplet exciton energy and the magnitude of the charge-transfer interactions inside dimers in the Alkali-TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 26 (1976) 1041
  24. L. Kraus, J. Schneider, H. Wiesner
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 26 (1976) 601-602.
  25. J. Baszyński, Z. Frait
    physica status solidi (b) 73 (1976) K85-K88.
  26. M. Chvojka, L. Pekárek, H. Turčičová
    Physics Letters A 58 (1976) 305-306.
  27. M. Chvojka, L. Pekárek, H. Turčičová
    Physics Letters A 58 (1976) 305-306.
  28. Off-diagonal disorder by projection operator formalism
    Solid State Commun. 17 (1975) 643
  29. J. Schneider, V. Drchal
    Ferromagnetism for the Hubbard model in the analogy approximation
    phys. status solidi b 68 (1975) 207
  30. V. Capek, J. Mašek
    Non-uniqueness of the heat current operator and the hopping thermoelectric and Nernst Ettingshausen effects in amorphous semiconductors
    Czech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 526
  31. J. Kudrnovský, J. Petru
    The two band models in the theory of disordered substitutional alloys
    phys. status solidi b 70 (1975) 759
  32. Projection of the UHF ground state wave function of the high-conductivity 1:1 TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 168
  33. J. Málek, R. A. Evarestov, A. N. Ermoskin, B. Hejda, K. Polak
    Role of Population analysis in LCAO-MO theory of transition-metal clusters
    Czech. J. Phys. 25 (1975) 1201
  34. P.Schneider, P. Pokorný
    Comparaison de l'effet de sorption des substances anti-'emissives du siliciure de zirconium, et zirconium et d'alliage 84 per. Zr + 16 per. Al.
    Vide, Le: Les Couches Minces 177/178 (1975) 149-152.
  35. Z. Kalva, I. Veltruský, K. Závěta
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 567-574.
  36. Z. Frait, D. Fraitová, R. Gemperle
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 906-915.
  37. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 25 (1975) 475-478.
  38. Z. Frait, I. Nagy, T. Tarnóczi
    Physics Letters A 55 (1975) 429-430.
  39. physica status solidi (a) 30 (1975) 587-591.
  40. V. Nekvasil, V. ROSKOVEC, F. ZOUNOVA, P. NOVOTNY
    Czech. J. Phys. B 24 (1974) 810 - 821
  41. On the electronic spectrum of the TCNQ chains with 1/4-filled bands
    Czech. J. Phys. 24 (1974) 85
  42. Charge-transfer singlet exciton in 1:1 high conductivity TCNQ ion-radical salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 24 (1974) 293
  43. K. Král, Z. Khas
    On the trimer approximation to the theory of Cs2TCNQ3 electronic structure
    Czech. J. Phys. 24 (1974) 914
  44. P.Schneider, P. Pokorný
    Gettering Capacity of Zirconium Silicide Antiemission Substance as compared with Zirconium and the Zr (84%) + Al (16%) Alloy.
    Tesla Electronics, , 4 , (1974), 116
  45. K. Závěta, V. Roskovec
    Československý časopis pro fyziku A 26 (1974) 256-258.
  46. physica status solidi (a) 21 (1974) 329-338.
  47. Triplet excitations at high temperatures in 1:1  TCNQ salts
    Czech. J. Phys. 23 (1973) 100
  48. The effect of the temperature and magnetic field on TCNQ anion radical salts in dimer approximation
    Czech. J. Phys. 23 (1973) 832
  49. K. Závěta, A. Bergstein, V. Roskovec, J. Šesták, F. Zounová
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 23 (1973) 837-844.
  50. J. Honzátko, J. Šebek, J. Kajfosz, J. Stehno, Z. Kosina, K. Konečný
    Nuclear Physics A 209 (1973) 249-251.