The Materials Growth and Measurement Laboratory (MGML; is a Research Infrastructure (RI) operated by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in cooperation with Institute of Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences. The main mission of MGML is to provide the broad scientific community unique possibilities for comprehensive experimental investigation of Condensed Matter Physic and Materials R&D. The MGML offers access to: i) broad range of top-class instrument suite for metals purification, novel materials synthesis and high-quality single-crystal growth finalized by structure and composition characterization in Materials Growth and Characterization Laboratory (MGCL), ii) large portfolio of physical characterization techniques focusing on measurements of material properties (thermodynamic, cohesive, magnetic, electrical and thermal transport, etc.) as a function of a wide range of external conditions (temperature, magnetic field, electric field, hydrostatic pressure, uniaxial stress) in Material Properties Measurement Laboratory (MPML), iii) Structural Analysis in Structural Analysis Laboratory (SAL). The services to users are supported by a high-expertise advice and assistance of the scientific and technical MGML staff. The MGML provides open access to all its services to Czech and foreign users from the basic and applied research areas. The open access strategy is primarily based on competition of submitted proposals according to their scientific excellence. The experiments in MGML open access in the last 5 years have been realized by users from almost 50 different universities and research institutions from more than 10 countries, frequently PhD students and young researchers who often play an important role in the RI operation and its development. The MGML services are available also to industrial users within the contract research agreements. The own research of the MGML scientists has two main branches: (i) condensed matter physics and materials R&D and (ii) development of new techniques and instruments in order to extend the experimental conditions methods and sample environment following the modern trends in materials R&D and addressing the feedback suggestions of users. Gathering and cultivating up-to-date knowledge of condensed matter physics and materials R&D intimately connected with education of young scientific generation is one of key components of the MGML mission. Any student user is welcome to join the MSc and PhD courses in Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Research in which the MGML academic staff is strongly involved. The MGML facilities are serving to practical classes. Many MSc and PhD course students perform in MGML experiments needed for their thesis. MGML is organizing seminars, workshops, colloquia and international conferences facilitating exchange of scientific information which boosts the rapid development of research areas served by MGML. This all makes MGML an important center of science and scientific education. The scientific excellence of MGML on the international scale is emphasized by collaboration with important European Research Infrastructures as well as Research Infrastructures outside Europe. MGML serves as a supporting laboratory for users of ILL and ESRF in Grenoble, High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Dresden and will be a supporting laboratory for users of ESS ERIC in Lund when operational.
For more information please visit official project website.
The current project is a continuation of the Materials Synthesis and Measurement Laboratory project running from 2019 to 2022.