Interface-Mediated Physical Properties of Intermetalics (IMPPI) (IMMPI)

the magnetic and other physical properties of Heusler and Heusler-like compounds Ni-Mn-Ga or Fe3Al and Fe3Ga, especially in terms of magnetization, magnetic anisotropy, magnetization behavior and coercivity. Employing a proper combination of experimental bulk and thin film methods and theoretical (from ab-initio to micromagnetic simulation) approaches we aim to understand and then control the magnetic and other physical response via optimized preparation process and to modify physical properties suitable for applications connected with energy harvesting. We focus on (i) antiphase boundaries and their concentration, (ii) various naturally and artificially formed ferroelastic interfaces (twin boundaries), (iii) precisely designed and prepared layered structures with enhanced magnetic anisotropy, and (iv) novel artificially structured thin films with desired magnetic properties mediated by the mutual interactions across interfaces. How is important to have interface....