Business Development

The Technology Transfer Office (CITT) provides advice and support to researchers in assessing the readiness of research, development and innovation results for their practical application. Based on many years of experience, it helps to determine the market potential, strategy and implementation plan. It also carries out analyses and market research, competition mapping and other supporting steps for successful application of the outputs of the FZU to practice. 

In particular cases, the Technology Transfer Office (CITT) publishes offers of research, development and innovation results for practical use and actively seeks people interested in their use. These include, in particular, seeking parties interested in the use of patent licenses or software, in contractual or joint research, or parties interested in the use of research services.


Business development: tto [at] fzu [dot] cz

Ing. Oskar Lažanský, lazansky [at] fzu [dot] cz

Ing. Miroslava Príbišová, pribisova [at] fzu [dot] cz

Blanka Frajová Popperová, frajova [at] fzu [dot] cz

Ing. Andrea Cejnarová, Ph.D., cejnarova [at] fzu [dot] cz