
The Laser Technologies group  deals with preparation of thin films, including their properties characterization and modifications. Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) is a key technique for thin film preparation, which is often combined with other techniques such as magnetron sputtering and evaporation. Attention is also paid to the characterization of plasma generated in deposition systems. Laser annealing is used to modify the properties of thin films. A number of techniques available in our department and FZU is used to analyze the properties of layers. We specialize on in-situ monitoring of electrotransport and optical properties, and the characterization of films using thermally stimulated phenomena (exoelectron emission, luminescence, electrical conductivity and desorption).

Basic and applied research focuses on materials for energy harvesting, optoelectronics and chemical gas sensors. At present, for example, there are projects on new thermoelectric, thermovoltaic and phonoelectric systems for heat conversion based on nitride semiconductors, and black metal films and  their functionalization with other materials for sensors and energy harvesting.

In the field of chemical sensors and student training, long-term close cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague is crucial. We are currently developing cooperation with the Institute of Criminalistics of the Police of the Czech Republic in the development of vacuum technologies for dactyloscopy. Active cooperation also takes place at the international level with a number of European laboratories (France, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia) and Japan (Kitami Institute of Technology).