Overall, ODYSSEUS aims to increase the knowledge on a continuously revised list of explosives and explosive precursors, including precursors not previously studied, and also develop effective and efficient prognostic, detection, and forensic tools and solutions to improve the capabilities of LEAs and Competent Authorities towards the prevention, countering, and investigation of terrorist incidents involving HMEs.
The developed tools and solutions will include (i) online HMEs recipes collection, analysis, and characterisation; (ii) chemical supply chain monitoring for irregularity detection; (iii) advanced sensors for detecting in (near) real-time explosive precursors in gas phase and also in water; (iv) robotised tools for improved mobile detection and in-situ forensic support; and (v) automated threat detection, localisation, and assessment; these tools will also be integrated into a configurable platform that will assist LEAs’ operations in diverse terrorism-related scenarios.
Therefore, ODYSSEUS will achieve innovation in multiple dimensions and examine in a novel manner the interplay among several factors affecting the intelligence, detection, and forensic aspects associated with explosive precursors, including aspects not previously considered (such as the chemical supply chains).
This project is financed by EU.