The main objective of new collaborative Czech-Taiwanese project proposal is three-fold. Czech team will design and characterize new functional photoactive self-organizing materials possessing the liquid crystalline (LC) behaviour which can be suitable as (i) smart dopants for tuning the power conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells or (ii) photonic devices. Taiwanese team will develop new complex-shape discotic functionalized materials possessing the columnar phases that can form well-defined supramolecular structure. Beyond high application potential of both structurally different classes of self-organizing materials, the project will contribute to better understanding of the molecular architecture – mesomorphic property relationship and will reinforce long lasting collaboration by effective and multidisciplinary knowledge transfer. The complementarity of the teams is very strong and this project is truly interdisciplinary; hence its results will have impact on chemistry and physics of self-organizing materials but also will advance soft matter chemistry, physics and photonics.