New material for 5G mobile network
Researchers from FZU in collaboration with American and German colleagues succeeded in developing new material for a mobile network of the 5th generation.
Researchers from FZU in collaboration with American and German colleagues succeeded in developing new material for a mobile network of the 5th generation.
Scientists from the Institute of Physics have achieved tremendous success in all listed categories, including the new EXPRO program to support excellence in basic research
The value of this success is enhanced by the fact that the team succeeded in doing that without any external reputable scientist from a prestigious western institution “opening the door” into such a journal: the published paper originates exclusively from Czech authors.
For the first time, scientists noted the success in proving that, at low temperatures, the localizes water molecules tend to align, exhibiting so-called incipient ferroelectricity.
How and why the localized deformation happens has always attracted the attention of mechanical engineers as well as theoreticians involved in modelling of material deformation.
A new microscopic method concerning the probe with the flexible terminal atom/molecule enables for the first time direct observation of the chemical structure of individual molecules.
The research community is intensively searching for new materials, hopefully showing superconductivity under ambient conditions, which would solve many of the most pressing problems of the current era of information technology. For a target-oriented search of such materials, the electron properties of the basic constituents of Hund’s metals need to be understood in detail, and this requirement was lacking so far.
Recent developments in scanning microscopy enable us to resolve the chemical structure of individual molecules deposited on surfaces.
Hynek Němec was one of five young scientists who were awarded for their outstanding scientific results alongside the financial reward.
The aim of the project is to calculate the physical properties of the exciton condensate under various conditions, identify those with application potential, and propose materials where they can be realized.
Researchers from the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, in collaboration with researchers from Barcelona, Berkeley, and Halle have demonstrated an experimental spin-based microelectronic device using an antiferromagnetic semiconductor compound Sr2IrO4.
A book Essentials of Econophysics Modelling from Dr František Slanina is a course in methods and models rooted in physics and used in modelling economic and social phenomena. It covers the discipline of econophysics, which creates an interface between physics and economics.