Preparation of single crystals GGAG for radiation detectors


Single crystals of garnets GGAG (see figure) of the starting composition Gd3Ga2.7Al2.3O12 are prepared by the method of Czochralski. They are doped by one or by combination of several from the following elements: Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy, Mg, Li.

Their qualities as the scintillation detectors of radiation are studied in the department of optical materials, their application perspectives are solved within the frame of collaboration with the firm Crytur from the town Turnov.

Crystal of a garnet
Theme is contributed to by

Jan Ryšavý

+420 266 05 2784, +420 266 05 2688, +420 266 05 2507

Ing. Lubomír Havlák

Pracovní pozice
Head of Working Group
+420 266 05 2784, +420 266 05 2688, +420 266 05 2729, +420 266 05 2171, +420 266 05 2507