Multifunctional and Mechanically Robust Porous Diamond with Large Electroactive Surfaces via Electrically Conductive and Insulating Templates for 3D Electrode Applications Image
Low temperature synthesis of transparent conductive boron doped diamond films for optoelectronic applications: Role of hydrogen on the electrical properties Image
Determination of atomic boron concentration in heavily boron-doped diamond by Raman spectroscopy Image
Performance evaluation of low-cost flexible gas sensor array with nanocomposite polyaniline films Image
Precursor gas composition optimisation for large area boron doped nano-crystalline diamond growth by MW-LA-PECVD Image
Experimental measurement of the diamond nucleation landscape reveals classical and nonclassical features Image
Nanocrystalline diamond protects Zr cladding surface against oxygen and hydrogen uptake: Nuclear fuel durability enhancement Image
Luminescence of Nanodiamond Driven by Atomic Functionalization: Towards Novel Detection Principles Image