Magnetoelectric coupling and high-frequency properties of multiferroics (Magnetoelektrická vazba a vysokofrekvenční vlastnosti multiferoik)


Using broadband dielectric and phonon spectroscopies, we will study the lattice and spin dynamics of multiferroics near their structural and magnetic phase transitions. We will investigate static and dynamic magnetoelectric couplings in multiferroics with Y- and Z-hexaferrite structures, in Ni3-x(Co,Mn)xTeO6 (x = 1, 2), Mn3WO6, Cu3Nb2O8 and AMn7O12 (A = Sr, Pb, Cd). These materials exhibit different crystalline and magnetic structures, so their magnetoelectric couplings will have different origins. Our data will allow us to explain the origin of static and dynamic magnetoelectric couplings. We will perform time-resolved THz-pump, THz probe experiments, which will allow for studying the dynamics of electromagnons and changes of magnetic structures on a sub-picosecond scale. We will also strive to achieve the first observation of a theoretically predicted phonon Zeeman effect; for this we will use EuTiO3 which exhibits a strong spin-phonon coupling. Using THz and Raman spectroscopies, we will investigate the tuning of electromagnons frequencies in electric and magnetic field.