Neutron and x-ray scattering of ferroelectrics and related materials


We use photons and neutrons as probes in various scattering experiments to investigate time and space correlations in ferroelectrics and related materials. Concretely:

  • dispersions of phonons, especially soft ferroelectric phonons,
  • polar fluctuations in vicinity of phase transitions,
  • relaxation modes in relaxor ferroelectrics,
  • ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains,
  • polar nanoscopic regions in disordered systems,
  • domain walls and other topological defects, etc.
Phonon branches in the paraelectric phase of PbTiO3
Phonon branches in the paraelectric phase of PbTiO3 in most of principal symmetry directions of the reciprocal space, measured by inelastic neutron scattering.
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