Joint laboratory for magnetic studies "JLMS"


Currently included in MGML infrastructure.

For over 20 years, we have been measuring the physical properties of mostly solids in multi-extreme conditions (low or high temperature, high magnetic fields and pressures, electric fields) in our laboratory. The laboratory is located in Cryopavilon in the Troja area and its operation is ensured by long-term cooperation between the Department of Magnetic Measurements and Materials (Division of Condensed Matter Physics) and the Department of Condensed Matter Physics MFF CUNI. For the main experimental equipment, we use liquid helium, which is taken from the helium liquefier in the same building. The operation of the laboratory is ensured by experts from both mentioned institutions with long-term experience and the necessary technical background. In normal laboratory operation, the main equipment is operated continuously.


Experimental equipment is gradually growing either through the purchase of complete commercial equipment, its own modifications and development, or thanks to cooperation with other groups. This not only increases the temperature and magnetic fields for individual types of measurements but also develops and introduces new experiments. The list of possibilities of individual devices is therefore more of an illustration. The laboratory provides a unique combination of extreme environments (temperature range from mK to 1000 K, magnetic fields up to 19.5 T and hydrostatic pressures up to 6 GPa) for studies of transport, magnetic and elastic properties of solids mainly. One system with a superconducting magnet (max 14 T) can also run atomic force microscopy and magneto-Raman spectroscopy in various temperatures and magnetic fields.

A unique set of possibilities makes the laboratory suitable for a wide range of basic or other research. Thanks to high standards of equipment and research, the laboratory has become part of the Large Research Infrastructure of the Czech Republic in the form of the Material Growth and Measurements Laboratory (MGML), project LM2018096 funded by the Ministry of Education. The status was awarded in 2018 and funding started at the beginning of 2019. In addition to the existing equipment, the experimental facilities from the Department of Magnetics and Superconductors (Division of Solid State Physics) were included in MGML to optimize their operation and extend users' potential.

MGML is open for all researchers, i.e. the laboratory is open to measurement not only for researchers of both institutions but also for the broad scientific community. Cooperation with industry is also welcome. They all can use their infrastructure after approved successful research proposals. Common measurements are performed by users, either individually or in collaboration with laboratory personnel, who also take care of more demanding measurements, extend measurement options and keep equipment in continuous service around the clock.