Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDAinnova)


Participation in a H2020 infrastructure project for the particle detectors used in accelerators. The total amount of requested EU contribution is 10 MEur. The project is coordinated by CERN and tasks are shared among tens of academic institutions. This project is a successor of H2020 project AIDA-2020 (2014-2020), where FZU was participating as a beneficiary. The planned budget matching is 1:2 (EC contribution : Institute matching funds), same as the previous project AIDA2020. FZU participates in three distinct tasks, all grouped in the work package 8 (WP8 - Highly granular calorimeters and PiD detectors) with 40k Eur of the total EC budget asked.

The First task (8.2.1 - Integration aspects of highly granular calorimeters) is coordinated by DESY Hamburg and FZU will contribute to this task by developping and testing of a firmware for the new compact DAQ, which will be necessary to demonstrate the possibility of the integration of the DAQ into a limited space and limited power budget, which is foreseen for a highly granular compact calorimeter, which has more than 10^6 channels.

The Second task (8.3.1 - Crystal detectors) is coordinate by CERN and aims for the development of the crystal detectors. FZU will (in cooperation with CERN and Crytur company) contribute by design and preparation of different novel materials and characterisation of the materials for the optical, luminescence and scintillation timing properties and radiation damage.

The Third task (8.4.1 - Innovative SiPMs and future applications in PID detectors) extends the experience gained in the AIDA and AIDA-2020 projects and will continue to characterize new SiPM photodetector devices from different manufacturers and study the gain with repect to the temperature and overvoltage with a deep insight into the afterpulse timing, which foresee a low noise power supply and fast, low noise signal preamplifiers, which will be developed in cooperation with Foton s.r.o. company. The general motivation to keep the response inside of the particle detector constant under different operating conditions.

 This project is financed by EU.

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