Department of Theory of Elementary Particles

CERN slaví 70 let od svého založení


Dne 29. září tohoto roku oslavil CERN, Evropská laboratoř fyziky částic, místo, kde se v roce 1989 zrodil web a v roce 2012 byl objeven Higgsův boson, 70 let od svého založení. Popud k němu vyšel od francouzského teoretického fyzika, laureáta Nobelovy ceny za fyziku za rok 1929 Louise de Broglie, jenž v roce 1949 navrhl vytvoření Evropské fyzikální laboratoře, aby se zabránilo odlivu talentovaných fyziků do USA. 

Peter Higgs has died


Peter Ware Higgs, the British theoretical physicist known for his work on the Higgs boson and the Higgs mechanism, passed away on Monday 8 April at the age of 95.

What direction will the popularization of physics take? Solutions were debated by experts


Does it make sense to publish a printed journal that deals with the promotion of physics? With this controversial question, the director of the Institute of Physics, Michael Prouza, opened a discussion on the future of the popularization of physics. The debate took place on Monday, October 24, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Československý časopis pro fyziku journal in a crowded hall of the SOLID21 building, and was followed by expert lectures on the history of physics and its popularization.

Researchers J. Chýla and I. Pelant have accepted the Ernst Mach Honorary Medals for Merit in Physical Science


Today the Honorary Medals have been handed over by the president of the Czech Academy of Sciences Eva Zažímalová. The recipients were 11 researchers honoured for their long-lasting contribution to science by the Czech Academy of Sciences. The laureates included two researchers from the Institute of Physics, prof. Jiří Chýla, CSc. and prof. RNDr. Ivan Pelant, DrSc.

For Václav Vrba


Václav Vrba, our classmate, friend and colleague passed away after a long illness on Tuesday, December 29. His life’s pilgrimage crossed ours in a number of places and for years in our working as well as personal lives and it is difficult for us to accept that it no longer will be so.

The Lumina Quaeruntur premium for “New Ways in Search for Dark Energy”


A total of seven Lumina Quaeruntur premiums for researchers of younger and middle generation have been awarded by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic within a programme to support prospective scientists. One of the recognized researchers is Ippocratis Saltas from Centre for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics of the Institute of Physics. The annual ceremony at which laureates are handed over prizes by Eva Zažímalová, the president of the Academy of Sciences, was postponed due to epidemiological measures.

Southern CTA site confirmed to be in Chile


CTA will be the next generation ground-based instrument in the detection of gamma rays, which are very high-energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by the hottest and most powerful objects in the Universe – such as supermassive black holes, supernovae and possibly remnants of the Big Bang