Your selection corresponds to 10 employees
Name Position Department Telephone Room E-mail
Kateřina Řeháčková Secretary Department of Magnetics and Superconductors
  • +420 220 318 533
A 41/1 rehackova [at]
Mgr. Helena Reichlová, Ph.D. Head of Working Group Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Dioscuri Centre for spincaloritronics and magnonics
  • +420 220 318 454
A 46/1 reichlh [at]
Ondřej Rezek Training Centre Maintenance Technician, Rokytnice n. J. Technical Department
  • +420 220 318 604
  • +420 220 318 441
A 130, A 12 rezeko [at]
Ing. Ivana Řídká Head of Working Group Administrative Department Cukrovarnická, Technický úsek - energetika Slovanka
  • +420 220 318 452
B 108 ridka [at]
Philipp Ritzinger, M.Sc. Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Spintronics Theory Group
  • +420 220 318 459
A 50/1 ritzinger [at]
Ing. Jan Rohlíček, Ph.D. Head of Group Department of Structure Analysis, Structure analysis methods, X-ray powder diffraction
  • +420 220 318 484
A 61 rohlicek [at]
Mgr. Oleksandr Romanyuk, Ph.D. Head of Working Group Department of Optical Materials, Group of photoelectron spectroscopy
  • +420 220 318 495
A 35/3, F 93 romanyuk [at]
Ing. Jan Rosa, CSc. Advanced optical nanomaterials and composites research group, Department of Optical Materials
  • +420 220 318 541
D 24 rosa [at]
Rajarshi Roy, Ph.D. Analytical Techniques Research Group, Department of Semiconductors, Group MEMS Sensors and Devices
  • +420 220 318 511
A 35/1 royr [at]
Mgr. Marta Růžičková Secretary Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics
  • +420 220 318 585
A 46/2 marta.ruzickova [at]