Your selection corresponds to 11 employees
Name Position Department Telephone Room E-mail
Bc. Elisabeth Záluská Department of Semiconductors, Nanoparticles and Interfaces Research Group
  • +420 220 318 475
F 34/1 zaluska [at]
Ing. Ondřej Zapadlík Department of Optical Materials, Group of luminescent and scintillation materials
  • +420 220 318 416
A 121, D 17 zapadlik [at]
Ing. Martina Zátková Secretary Department of surfaces and molecular structures
  • +420 220 318 653
C 208/9 zatkova [at]
Bc. Jiří Zelenka Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics
  • +420 220 318 589
F 40 zelenka [at]
Ing. Jakub Železný, Ph.D. Theory specialist Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Dioscuri Centre for spincaloritronics and magnonics, Spintronics Theory Group
  • +420 220 318 479
A 49/1 zeleznyj [at]
Ing. Petra Zemenová, Ph.D. Department of Optical Materials, Group of preparation of optical materials and thermal analysis
  • +420 220 318 429
  • +420 220 318 500
A 132/2, A 133 zemenova [at]
Ing. Jan Zich Department of Magnetics and Superconductors, Laboratory of thermoelectrics
  • +420 220 318 432
A 23 zichj [at]
Ing. Miloš Zíka Department of Magnetics and Superconductors, Laboratory of FIRM
  • +420 220 318 640
A 33/6 zika [at]
Ing. Eliška Zmeškalová, Ph.D. Head of Group Department of Structure Analysis, X-ray single-crystal diffraction
  • +420 220 318 484
A 61 skorepova [at]
RNDr. Jan Zubáč Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Magneto-transport Laboratory
  • +420 220 318 589
F 40 zubac [at]
Ing. Jiří Zyka, CSc. Department of Spintronics and Nanoelectronics, Materials Synthesis Laboratory
  • +420 220 318 439
F 101 zyka [at]