

My scientific activities have been for a long time oriented towards magnetic properties of modern superconductors (high- and moderate-temperature) of various forms (bulk textured, bulk granular, thin films, tapes etc.). Recently, my main interest is devoted to the effect of neutron irradiation on electromagnetic properties of high-temperature commercial superconducting tapes with respect of their potential use for winding high-field magnets of fusion reactors. Technology of nuclear fusion demands extremely high magnetic field for confining plasma in a relatively small space. It is considered as a very promising as it is both powerful and environment-friendly. High enough magnetic fields can be created only by superconducting magnets, for low cost operation high-temperature superconductors are needed, though operated at moderate temperatures, below 30 K, provided by modern cryogen-free refrigerators. Neutron irradiation present in al fusion reactors creates in superconductors cascades of defect clusters participating on vortex lattice pinning. This effect reflects in the critical currents value in a broad range of magnetic fields. The superconductor response to neutron irradiation is thus, especially at low levels of irradiation, positive and enhances critical currents, in particular at high magnetic fields. With increasing irradiation, critical currents saturate and turn back to degradation. Moreover, all this complex behavior depends on the operation temperature, magnetic field, sample type and structure. Our tests show a great potential of the present-state superconducting tapes for magnet windings of future fusion reactors at the temperatures below 30 K and magnetic fields up to 15 Tesla. Degradation of critical currents seems to start at around the neutron irradiation fluence level comparable to the whole-life irradiation of most presently constructed and envisaged fusion reactors. Although the temperatures below 30 K seem to be rather low, they can be quite easily reached by cryogen-free refrigerators, in a significantly lower cost than cooling by liquid helium.

Further, I participate on testing properties of the loss-less levitation bearings intended for use in flywheels for electric energy stores and devices for stabilization of electric current in the electricity network.

In cooperation with foreign colleagues [in particular Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo (Prof. Masato Murakami, president, and Prof. Muralidhar Miryala , vice-president), Institute of Experimental Physics Košice, Dr. Pavel Diko, and Saarbrucken University, Dr. Michael Koblischka] I participate in testing and interpretation of magnetic properties of various newly developed bulk superconductors.