Determination of vortex mass in YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconductor


Obr. 1: Animace pohybu vírů. Tenká vrstva supravodiče YBCO na podložce je umístěna v magneto-optickém kryostatu. Na začátku je supravodič v normálním stavu. Přiložíme magnetické pole kolmé na vrstvu a snižujeme teplotu vzorku. Pod kritickou teplotou přejde vrstva do supravodivého stavu a vytvoří se hexagonální mřížka supravodivých vírů. Kruhově polarizovaný laserový paprsek rozpohybuje víry po cyklotronových trajektoriích. Střídání levotočivé a pravotočivé kruhové polarizace mění směr pohybu vírů, nikoli však směr supravodivých stínících proudů, který je dán přiloženým magnetickým polem.

In fluxonics, superconducting technology of the future, the information bit is represented by fluxon, an elementary magnetic flux tube also known as the Abrikosov vortex. The design of superconductive devices will require the knowledge of its inertial mass, playing the same role here as effective electron mass in semiconducting electronics. Nevertheless, the fluxon mass is a particularly controversial issue. Its theoretical estimates are scattered over more than eight orders of magnitude and only two experiments existed prior to our experiment.

We have designed and developed a unique far-infrared (FIR) transmission setup capable of probing the circular dichroism, reflecting the different response of vortices for left- (LHCP, T-) and right-handed circular polarization (RHCP,T+), see figure 1. While at zero magnetic field transmittance is the same for both circular polarization states, in magnetic field transmittance for RHCP and LHCP clearly deviates.

Transmittance of YBaCuO superconductor for right- and left-handed circularly polarised THz beam
Fig.1: Transmittance for two circular polarizations as a function of temperature.

We show that the theory of Kopnin and coworkers, extended to high-frequency response, reproduces our experimental data without any fitting parameter, see figure 2. All relevant parameters were obtained from DC resistivity measurement and from THz conductivity spectra measured by time-domain terahertz spectroscopy. Thus our results support the theory of the fluxon mass developed by Kopnin and Vinokur and that of the Magnus force reduction by the factor of Kopnin and Kravtsov. For YBa2Cu3O7−δ at 45 K, the Kopnin’s mass of the fluxon at zero-frequency limit amounts to 3 × 108 electron mass/cm.

Transmittance of YBaCuO - theory and experiment
Fig.2: Transmittance ratio for laser lines 119, 163, 312, 419, and 433 µm as a function of the magnetic field. The theoretical prediction (colored surface) with no free fitting parameter is compared with experimental values (gray spheres) observed at a temperature of 45 K. 

Please note that we omitted all citations in this text. They are listed in the link together with much more detailed description.