
  • Research Professor of the Czech Academy of Sciences since 2021


  • Member of the ATLAS experiment at CERN: 
  1. Data analysis
  2. Combined performance of the detector AFP (ATLAS Forward Proton), in particular Global alignment
  3. Supervising students during one-year internships 
  4. Convenor of a working group Physics case for AFP at High-luminosity (upgrade of) LHC (2021 - 2022)
  5. Chair of Institutional Board of forward detectors (since 2020)
  6. Convenor of a working group Soft QCD & Diffraction (2020 - 2022)
  7. Coordinating physics analyses of data from the AFP detector (ATLAS Forward Proton)
  8. Member of Speakers Committee (2014 - 2017) and Chair (2017)
  9. Forward proton project AFP: founding member (2012), member of Management Board (2012-2017)
  10. Forward proton project RP220: founding member (2006), Deputy Project Leader (2006 - 2012)


  • Physics interests:
  1. Phenomena of soft QCD (particle production, fragmentation, correlations)
  2. Difraction processes
  3. Exclusivity as an avenue to New Physics
  4. Structure of  hadrons
  5. Structure of photon
  6. Jet physics


  • Representative of CR in ECFA (European Committee for Future Accelerators) (2014 - 2021) and Restricted ECFA (2019 - 2021)
  • Member of the Committee for cooperation of CR with CERN (2015 - 2021)


  • Organization of assemblies of Czech High Energy community (2014 - 2021)
  • Organization of seminars of  division of elementary particle physics at FZÚ (2008 - 2019)


  • Review publications:
  1. New chapter "High Energy Soft QCD and Diffraction" in the Review of Particle Physics in the PDG (Particle Data Group) publication (Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024) 3, 030001; PTEP 2022 (2022) 083C01; PTEP 2020 (2020) 083C01)
  2. Chapter 18 "High Luminosity Forward Physics" in the book The future of the Large Hadron Collider
  3. "Multi-dimensional hadron structure through the lens of gluon Wigner distribution" (Physics Reports 1084 (2024) 3-57, arXiv: 2310.10793 [hep-ph])
  4. "Review of the Central Exclusive Production of the Higgs boson beyond the Standard Model" (Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 29 (2014) 1446012)


  • Co-author of phenomenological publications about searching for New Physics in exclusive processes, about structure of hadrons, about interplay between soft and hard phenomena.


ORCID 0000-0002-1535-9732
ResearcherID H-4630-2014