

The main scientific content of my work is the participation in projects dedicated to detecting high-energy cosmic rays. The projects are mainly Pierre Auger Observatory, Cherenkov Telescope Array and FAST.
Within the Pierre Auger Observatory ( project, I'm involved in the design, optimization, testing and measurement of mirror segments for fluorescent telescopes and monitoring the optical parameters of these telescopes. Furthermore, I participate in the design and implementation of BGcams - all-sky cameras for this experiment serving as a noninvasive instrument for the monitoring the background of the night sky in the fields of view of individual telescopes. An integral part of my work is the participation in the upgrade of the ground detectors of the observatory - measurement of optical properties of muon detector fibers.
As part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA, project, I am involved in the design, implementation, installation and operation of a new generation of all-sky cameras for cloud monitoring, cloud direction detection and basic photometry for rapid atmospheric monitoring during the telescopes' observation. One of the main areas of research is work on optimization of the telescope optical design, optical simulations, testing of individual optical components and operation of the SST-1M and MST telescopes. These are small (SST), medium-sized telescopes of the future CTA observatory. Another activity is the measurement and analysis of optical ad mechanical parameters of mirror segments of CTA telescopes, design of new auxiliary instruments and measurement methods for alignment and pointing of the telescopes.
Within the FAST ( ) project, I participate in the coordination of production, testing, installation, calibration and measurement of the fluorescent telescopes located at the Black Rock Messa, Utah, USA and Malargüe, Argentina. I contribute to the development, implementation and operation of all-sky cameras (FASCam) designed to monitor the atmospheric parameters of the given location.