Ing. Tomáš Burian, Ph.D. Pracovní pozice Head of Laboratory Category Postdoctoral Researcher Division (no.) Division of High Power Lasers – HiLASE Centre (5) Department (no.) Department of Radiation and Chemical Physics (PALS Centre) (52) Laboratory / Scientific group Laboratory of Ti:Sapphire laser system of PALS Centre (5204) XUViR laboratory (5203) Telephone +420 266 05 2670 E-mail burian [at] Locality Slovanka Room 313
Measurements of the K-Shell Opacity of a Solid-Density Magnesium Plasma Heated by an X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Image
Measurements of continuum lowering in solid-density plasmas created from elements and compounds Image
Langmuir probe measurement of the bismuth plasma plume formed by a table-top extreme-ultraviolet pulsed laser Image